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: For Students, Faculty, and Staff
Research Module
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Research Video
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What are important considerations when designing research?
What are important considerations when designing research?
Local context
Research permissions
Rigorous approach
All of the above
What is the role of the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board?
What is the role of the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board?
Authorize and review human subjects research
Authorize and review animal subjects research
Review all research projects before a researcher begins analysis
What is the difference between a research project and an internship or volunteer project
What is the difference between a research project and an internship or volunteer project
Research projects focus on daily tasks in a local organization
Volunteer and internship projects typically involve significant theoretical investigation
There is no difference
Research projects are a systematic investigation
Correct Answers
1- What are important considerations when designing research?
All of the above (Local context, Research permissions, Rigorous approach)
2- What is the role of the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board?
Authorize and review human subjects research
3- What is the difference between a research project and an internship or volunteer project?
Research projects are a systematic investigation
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